
Churchill House holds the following accreditations:

British Council

Accredited by the British Council for the Teaching of English

Accreditation UK is a quality assurance scheme for UK providers of courses in English as a foreign language (EFL) which the British Council runs in partnership with English UK. Schools, colleges, and universities which offer courses in EFL can join the scheme voluntarily and members are inspected on a four-yearly basis, supported by unannounced interim visits between inspections.

The scheme gives an assurance of quality to international students who are taking or are planning to take an English language course in the UK.

Our external inspections assure that all accredited centres meet or exceed the agreed quality standards in management, resources and environment,

teaching, welfare and (where applicable) care of under 18s .

Our most recent British Council inspection report can be viewed on the British Council website:

Churchill House School of English British Council Report »
Churchill House Summer Centres British Council Report »

English UK

Member English UK

English UK is the national association for British Council accredited language centres in the UK. It represents UK English language teaching nationally and internationally, promoting the highest quality, supporting member centres and working to ensure that students enjoy the best-possible experience in the UK.

English UK encourages high standards within the industry and, in conjunction with the British Council, operates the Accreditation UK scheme.

Young Learners English UK

Young Learners English UK

YLEUK is a special interest group of English UK which aims to promote high standards in schools working with students under 18 years old. The group

provides advice and training for member schools, and consults with the British Council and English UK on current issues within the younger learner sector. Membership of YLEUK is open to British Council-accredited schools who are also members of English UK, and all member schools agree to a strict code of conduct.

Churchill House is a founder member of YLEUK.

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